Return to CONTENTS 2017

Wesley Hollis

Wesley Hollis is a creative writing student at Whitireia, based in Wellington. He enjoys volunteering, works as a library assistant and has plans to become a sci-fi and fantasy novelist in the future. He has an extensive collection of gemstones and bones, a black belt in karate and he makes bird feeders as a hobby.


What’s true? What’s false? See if you can spot the lie.
None of these are lies.
Nice try, but you haven’t found the lie.
Wesley plans to become a sci-fi and fantasy novelist.
Not a lie! This is true.
He has an extensive collection of gemstones and bones.
Sorry. This is true.
Wesley makes bird feeders as a hobby.
A Lie! Wesley doesn’t actually make bird feeders, but he’s been thinking about getting into it.

By Wesley

It’s cold

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