Category: 2014


    1 | 2 | 3 But I would   While you are still ambulant a word now precious and precarious an ambulance of fear sirens through the frame. I ask without wanting to beg but I would for your notebooks the way you talk now. Others circle for your posters collective history…


    1 | 2 | 3 At the exhibition   It’s as simple as that, although as must be clear to us all by now that love and simple are unrelated. And don’t we all love Dave anyway. Isn’t that the point of Dave. You love Dave. You claim Dave as…


    1 | 2 | 3 Wellington   So on this January morning we’ve been down to swim — Balaena Bay. Children on floats, couples. The sun-drugged lounge on a changing-shed deck. Chat with a friend. Rocky beach, the water green like a weed-eating fish. And there’s Dave and Kathy. Standing by…


    Dad   Dad was in the pen, a ewe pinned between his knees. He held its jaw tight with one hand while he drew a knife across its neck with the other. As he cut he pulled the head to the side and back until he heard a pop. A…


    1 | 2 | 3 The same bedtime story   Horses, apparently. Other animals, house-rabbits, loyal dogs. Spinning around in circles quickly. No eating wheat, not drinking milk. Stopping your gut from leaking. Beating drums, tocking xylophones. Rubbing bare skin with a firm brush. Doing what you have to do to…


    1 | 2 | 3 Hunker   I like master-keys. Any easy solution to locks.   Let me in. I have creaky needs.   My needs are in a 1950s atomic-bomb shelter. After a dull searching moment, they know to go down there.   People are selfish shits and fair-weather…


    1 | 2 | 3 So much white noise   I get a ‘friend request’ from someone I have not seen for fifteen years. He says Hey, can we not do the fill-in-the-blanks part? So much white noise. Can we just carry on where we left off?   Can we?…


    Finding Jesus   My sister and I went looking for Jesus one day. We took a packed lunch.   Mum had told us he was the son of God and that he lived up high. I didn’t know which one of our neighbours God was. I thought maybe he was…


    1 | 2 River Confessions   I first pull the zip across, gently, lift the carbon-fibre rods out, and untie. Rub the greasy wax onto the tips of my fingers, smearing the joints to seal them, squeeze the pieces together, twist and set.   The reel, unpacked, locked into the…


    1 | 2 Black Mamba   I’m your Black Mamba, Juicy Puff bag-bride light. Cus. Roll it, Bro’. Good, tight and fat. Wired, wasted, ripped and lit for the night.   It’s da WINZ special Thursday kronic flight. The Sugarman sweet as da creamy kat. I’m your Black Mamba, Juicy…