Category: 2010


CONTRIBUTORS Renée Michele Amas Tusiata Avia Jane Blaikie Bronwyn Bryant Kate Camp Tessa Castree Kay Corns Mary-Jane Duffy Holly Edgecombe Liz Elson Anahera Gildea Mathew Stephen Gorrie Mandy Hager Helen Heath Adrienne Jansen Lynn Jenner Karen Peterson Butterworth Vivienne Plumb  Tina Regtien Mennie Scapens Lorraine Singh Elizabeth Smither Robert Stratford Jo Thorpe Mercedes Webb-Pullman Tony …

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Contents 2010

  PROSE Tessa Castree Double Chocolate Holly Edgecombe On the Road to a Miracle (excerpt) Liz Elson Egg on his Face Anahera Gildea The Queen’s Chain Mandy Hager Resurrection: Blood of the Lamb Book Three (excerpt) Mennie Scapens Sorting Things Out Tony Yuile Deadly Obsession (excerpt) POETRY Renée Dear Grandmother Tall Woman in a Frame …

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What did you do We looked for a light bulb Deodorant ran out A blister and a broken filling From streets and cemeteries Bus stations and railway lines We looked for edges of the place Where we slept, can we see our place From here we would say That is what we did While we …

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The Entrance Stagehands whisk, flick, smooth all serene open doors to a milky sun – hold hands in corners know that on cue your beauty will stir and stretch your eyes spark as prompt calls for your entrance the end of interval – beginning of act two   and here you are my familiar, my …

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Tall Woman in a Frame Your eyes are narrowed to keep out the intrusive sun your mouth a line closed against God, life, a stone caught in your sensible black shoe   you married a widower twice your age, two children to head the twelve you had, and two who lie in beds of quiet …

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Dear Grandmother Husbands are a necessary part of the design God drew on his sketch pad, Sister Joseph tells you if he hit you for flirting with a man you wouldn’t be seen dead with – it’s the drink, the devil drink – he’s a good man really, always money in the plate and I’ve …

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Deadly Obsession (excerpt) The black Lincoln Town Car entered Highway 280 at the 6th and Brannan exit. It merged with the late night traffic heading south. The driver followed the sign for San Francisco International Airport which took the car onto Highway 101. He stayed in the outside lane and fastidiously observed the speed limit. …

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Sorting Things Out Her aunties pick her up that morning. They arrive in Aunty Rae’s new car, the flash little BMW – bright red. Aunty Rae bought the car because of its colour. Lana’s been up since eight, set her phone alarm especially. No one else in the flat has stirred. For the past ten …

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Resurrection: Blood of the Lamb Book Three (excerpt) It was hot, the thick damp air trapped within the jungle’s protective dome of leaves. Already sweat dripped down between her breasts, plastering her grimy white shirt to her skin and running down her brow into her eyes. It blurred her sight, transforming the jungle into a …

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The Queen’s Chain My mother was born in the summer of ’53, as the Queen took her first steps on our soil. Nan cursed and swore cos she never got to see nothin’ – not even from the hospital where the patients crowded at the windows to watch the Laudalette pass by. But she named …

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