Welcome to the 4th Floor Journal
The 4th Floor online journal is an annual selection of work written by students, graduates and current and former kaimahi of Whitireia New Zealand. Our submission guidelines tell you how and when you can submit work to the journal.
4th Floor takes its name from the time when the journal began as a showcase for work from the Whitireia Creative Writing programme. The programme was then situated on the fourth floor of the Whitireia Wellington City campus. Though the campus has since shifted, the name 4th Floor stuck.
4th Floor opens for submissions near the beginning of the year. Check our submission guidelines.
The Whitireia Publishing Programme
Each year, 4th Floor is edited, designed, typeset and marketed by a team of ākonga from the Whitireia Publishing Programme. In 2024 this was Always Becominging, Annie Reed, Dana Mitchell, Grace Walker, Mia Schrader, Ronan McKerlie, Rosie Moore and Sophie Walker, with support from tutors Odessa Owens and Theresa Crewdson.
The Whitireia Creative Writing Programme
The Whitireia Creative Writing Programme was established in 1993. From 2020, this long-standing and successful programme moved to be delivered online, by the fabulous tutors Donna Banicevich-Gera and Anna Taylor.
The Whitireia Creative Writing Programme has always emphasised originality and excellence in the craft of writing, and provided the practical business knowledge needed to become a successful writer. We are very proud of our graduates who take part in almost every aspect of New Zealand writing life: as organisers of writing events and writers’ groups, as scriptwriters for screen and stage, in the New Zealand Book Council’s Writers in Schools programme and as editors, journalists and writers for magazines and other publications.
More than 230 books have come from graduates of the programme, and their work also appears in established and emerging literary magazines. Some of the successful authors to emerge from this programme include:
We would also like to thank all the New Zealand writers and editors who have contributed to the success of our student writers:
Fleur Beale
Norman Bilbrough
Gigi Fenster
Catherine Fitzgerald
Catherine Robertson
Greg Bruce
Pip Adam
Lawrence Patchett
Kate Duignan
Phillip Mann
Paddy Richardson
Stefanie Lash
Tim Jones
Eirlys Hunter
Anna Rogers
Elizabeth Smither
Anna Smaill
William Brandt
Rachel Craw
David Hill
Karen Trebilcock
Ann Neville
Barbara Murison
If you are interested in finding out more about the creative writing and publishing study options provided at Whitireia New Zealand, please visit the website.
NB: In general, this website uses macrons to indicate double-vowels in Māori language words.