Outside the sun is shining
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the purple lady monks come and go and offer red roses
to the young children. If they take one they will be lucky all their life,
if they refuse they will be even luckier but the moon will turn its back.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the sons march and break ranks before the waves
of mud and poppies cover them and they grow white-forked headstones
which make young women cry and old men write graffiti songs to Damascus.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the fire in the eyes of the woman who holds the blue iris
and stares out over the broken road down which her lover walked towards her
until a black shape moved from behind its rock and kissed those moving legs.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the daughters, bloody, bruised, limping – nights on the square
are often cruel to daughters – the dark angels, shields of jasmine, line their path
but too late, always too late and too easily swayed by the silver promises of bees.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the old men and women dance the lolly scramble excuse me
while the cellist with the axe poised like a monarch about to land on the swan
waits for a signal and high above on the mountain the statue dribbles gold.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she wants to see the long crooked lily fingers on the wall creep away
from the light and become part of the dark so you don’t know which is dark
or which is creeping towards the bed in the corner where the small child sleeps.
She stands by the window – keep away from the window, they said, but
she needs to see that heap of scythes and broken limbs laid on the altar of words
while the tiger called redemption laughs because outside the sun is shining
against the earth the green truth presses still and there is a voice singing.
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