Verne Barrett
Waiata of Secret Wings
Jane Blaikie
At the exhibition
But I would
Fred Buijn
Black Mamba
River Confessions
Rachel Bush
Not seeing the lady from Spain
Natasha Dennerstein
Respire, beat.
amniotic sea
Body of Work
Helen Vivienne Fletcher
Finding Jesus
Rata Gordon
An Island
In Her Pants
Rob Hack
Togo Chasm I
Togo Chasm II
Togo Chasm III
What a certain song on the radio brings
Blue laws
Lake Okareka
Sunday morning, city cafe

Michael Keith
Goose summer, Whareroa farm
Hearts and rips
Helen Lehndorf
So much white noice
The same bedtime story
Brandon Mehrtens
Exceeding Expectations
Bill Nelson
Geological Time
What the Sea Knows
Two Car Seat Covers for Twenty Bucks
Vivienne Plumb
Waiting for Baba
Outside the sun is shining
Sandi Sartorelli
Lavenda per Viviana
Halo around the sun
Elizabeth Smither
Why I became a librarian
Mercedes Webb-Pullman
Are all the pilots down?
Russian New Year with Gurdjieff
going home haibun

‘I am starting today’
Rachel Bush
Writing of the lady from Spain
Lynn Davidson
Some thoughts about writing ‘Yellow Feathers’
Penny M. Geddis
How Penny M. Geddis Writes
Trish Harris
Gaps, Gifts and the Grind: Reflections on the Writing Process

Adrienne Jansen
A note about writing this poem
John McTavish
My Writing Process
Sandi Sartorelli
Three Questions
Elizabeth Smither
Process of writing ‘Why I became a librarian’